About This Game With your shield or on it!Gameplay featuresAn exciting adventure you will never forget!Epic, brutal and immersive melee combat!Block, parry, stab, slice, throw spear and use magic!Put on the Sandals of Hermes and fly like a bird!Explore an awesome ancient world in VR with your HTC Vive or Oculus Rift!StoryAre you ready to become a Spartan in the world of Ancient Greece? Have you ever wanted to feel what it's like to be in the shoes of legendary Greek heroes? Spartan VR beckons you to rise to the challenge, sharpen your spears and fight to the end!Waking up in the hold of your own ship in shackles and armed with magical artifacts of Hermes, you will under his patronage undergo a series of tests and save the little that survived in the battle of the Titans. 7aa9394dea Title: Spartan VRGenre: Action, Adventure, RPG, Early AccessDeveloper:ImmergityPublisher:ImmergityRelease Date: 25 Aug, 2017 Spartan VR Activation.rar Hello developers! I have been watching your game and waited for its release. In General, a good study of the world, high quality art, design, effects. For virtual reality this is of great importance. The gameplay I would advise you to diversify. The game lacks more interesting enemies, with different attack types and behavior. Look at hardcore games, like Dark Souls, where almost every enemy the player has to look for his tactics. Don't be afraid to EXPERIMENT and add the most unexpected solutions, and not go on about the standard solutions. In General, use all your imagination to surprise the player. It could even be unrealistic or almost fantastic. It doesn't matter. The main thing that it was unusual and memorable. More different enemies, weapons, locations, more new experiences!. i will change my review if the situation change but this game is again a bloody game not for every players and there is no story , no tutorial , we arrive in a landscape greece and we can select different stones it is the four stage of the game , the goad is to do a blood bath with the same minotaur models as waves just their weapons change as army some and after medusa appears or a nuber of medusas but we can stay in front her without to be transfomed in stone , just need to run to dodge her attack stone she does with hair i can not speak of the magic hermes flying shoes the description speak i have seen this but but the boat stage is just the same waves as before but on a boat and same for the others levels the fight system is great and the arms enough long to give the impression we have a body but the enemy never do a parry of our attack so the only way to do a sword strike their weapon is to go back and strike directly on their weapon before they attack so the colision system is great but not really used the medusa models are great but to have fun we need to imagine if we see his glance we would be transform in stone so i have had fun to hide me behind my shield and try to not see her but of course it is just in my imagination so it stay disapointed since if we are really in front medusa and in front his glance nothing happen we can move free with a free locomotion added since the first update of the game and the only update since the release and since 2017 i have not seen a new answer of the developpers they read but does not answer to my own question tooso to resume this game with his great models (particulary medusa) his great fight system and colision , and levels design could be a wonder but with no option for blood wich fall all the time in front of your face as soon you strike a minotaure , no medusa stone eyes power when we are in front her and no story ,no tutorial , no various enemies , no follow on the game (only one update ) Spartan VR stays really disapointed ... it is with a Pinching i must say i can not recommend for instance.... This is a fun game, but it is not quite worth the money. There are many things that need to be fixed or added before it comes out of early access. First off, I use an oculus rift with the oculus touch controllers. The virtual hands seem to be lined up for vive controllers, so when I hold a weapon it is at an awkward angle, and I have to bend my wrists in a weird way in order for my attacks to be effective. Also, I am new to VR and haven't gotten around to getting a third sensor for my play area, so when I turn around, my body blocks my sensors's view of the controllers. This game has no way to turn around using the controllers, so this is problematic. Finally, there are only two types of enemies; minotaurs and gorgons. Fighting becomes very repetitive very fast. Oh, and also you can't parry with a sword. You need a shield. I came looking for a cheap hack n slash as a new vr user, and this was pretty much what I was looking for. I look forward to seeing improvements from the developers.. i will change my review if the situation change but this game is again a bloody game not for every players and there is no story , no tutorial , we arrive in a landscape greece and we can select different stones it is the four stage of the game , the goad is to do a blood bath with the same minotaur models as waves just their weapons change as army some and after medusa appears or a nuber of medusas but we can stay in front her without to be transfomed in stone , just need to run to dodge her attack stone she does with hair i can not speak of the magic hermes flying shoes the description speak i have seen this but but the boat stage is just the same waves as before but on a boat and same for the others levels the fight system is great and the arms enough long to give the impression we have a body but the enemy never do a parry of our attack so the only way to do a sword strike their weapon is to go back and strike directly on their weapon before they attack so the colision system is great but not really used the medusa models are great but to have fun we need to imagine if we see his glance we would be transform in stone so i have had fun to hide me behind my shield and try to not see her but of course it is just in my imagination so it stay disapointed since if we are really in front medusa and in front his glance nothing happen we can move free with a free locomotion added since the first update of the game and the only update since the release and since 2017 i have not seen a new answer of the developpers they read but does not answer to my own question tooso to resume this game with his great models (particulary medusa) his great fight system and colision , and levels design could be a wonder but with no option for blood wich fall all the time in front of your face as soon you strike a minotaure , no medusa stone eyes power when we are in front her and no story ,no tutorial , no various enemies , no follow on the game (only one update ) Spartan VR stays really disapointed ... it is with a Pinching i must say i can not recommend for instance.... A cool game with a great potential! Interesting picturesque areas. I like Gorgons and Minotaurs, but I want more types of enemies. I saw skeletons in achievements hope there are coming soon.. Great!!! At last, it happened! It's finally released! Thx to Immergety team!The game is totally cool if we talking about a graphic solution. Ancient Greece, mythological creatures! I was surprised! Of course, it's just a beginning but for sure this game has a great potential! Waiting with patience next updates but for now, it's time to play!. This is a fun game, but it is not quite worth the money. There are many things that need to be fixed or added before it comes out of early access. First off, I use an oculus rift with the oculus touch controllers. The virtual hands seem to be lined up for vive controllers, so when I hold a weapon it is at an awkward angle, and I have to bend my wrists in a weird way in order for my attacks to be effective. Also, I am new to VR and haven't gotten around to getting a third sensor for my play area, so when I turn around, my body blocks my sensors's view of the controllers. This game has no way to turn around using the controllers, so this is problematic. Finally, there are only two types of enemies; minotaurs and gorgons. Fighting becomes very repetitive very fast. Oh, and also you can't parry with a sword. You need a shield. I came looking for a cheap hack n slash as a new vr user, and this was pretty much what I was looking for. I look forward to seeing improvements from the developers.. Hello developers! I have been watching your game and waited for its release. In General, a good study of the world, high quality art, design, effects. For virtual reality this is of great importance. The gameplay I would advise you to diversify. The game lacks more interesting enemies, with different attack types and behavior. Look at hardcore games, like Dark Souls, where almost every enemy the player has to look for his tactics. Don't be afraid to EXPERIMENT and add the most unexpected solutions, and not go on about the standard solutions. In General, use all your imagination to surprise the player. It could even be unrealistic or almost fantastic. It doesn't matter. The main thing that it was unusual and memorable. More different enemies, weapons, locations, more new experiences!. A cool game with a great potential! Interesting picturesque areas. I like Gorgons and Minotaurs, but I want more types of enemies. I saw skeletons in achievements hope there are coming soon.. Great!!! At last, it happened! It's finally released! Thx to Immergety team!The game is totally cool if we talking about a graphic solution. Ancient Greece, mythological creatures! I was surprised! Of course, it's just a beginning but for sure this game has a great potential! Waiting with patience next updates but for now, it's time to play!
Spartan VR Activation.rar